In today’s competitive business landscape, staying ahead means truly knowing what’s going on at all times. The more informed you are, the better your business results. Advanced analytics is already a game-changer in sports and health. With many other industries being empowered by the Internet of Things (IoT) technology, the sky is the limit. If you aspire to be an excellent manager in 2019 you must be connected. That means monitoring and tracking individual performances, while maintaining a broad view of the bigger picture.
Alma is proud to announce the launch of ‘Smart Clinic‘, a pioneer cloud-based data service that enables a wide-range, end-to-end control of platforms activity in aesthetic clinics. It is a new business development tool that offers online access to live data via tablet / PC / smartphone application.
At this special occasion, we sat down with Michael Slonim, head of Alma IoT and the ‘Smart Clinic’ project manager. Michael is one of Alma’s veteran R & D specialists with an impressive track record of innovations.
Q – What are your impressions regarding the development process?
“To begin with, the technological infrastructure was there – Wi-Fi, IoT (Internet of Things), cloud services, etc. IoT is really revolutionizing the way businesses are managed. Our vision was to harness its power to enable a seamless connection between management and clinical performance. The main challenge was figuring out how to characterize all levels of the platform’s users. We spent long hours in the field with practitioners, managers and owners to accomplish that.”
Q – Who is the target audience for ‘Smart Clinic’?
“’Smart Clinic’ is suitable for all aesthetic clinic chains stakeholders – clinic owner, clinic manager and clinic practitioner, as well as medical device distributors.”
Q – What are the main benefits of this tool?
“On the clinic owner/manager/ side, it provides an aggregated or focused productivity overview by monitoring practitioners’ activity and the devices’ performance. They can quickly identify overuse or misuse of the technology. They can use the analytics provided to make educated real time decisions to improve the overall performance of their clinic or chain.
On the practitioner’s side, the tool helps keep track with the patients’ treatment process by logging all past treatment data as well as satisfaction rates. On top of that, you can easily access standard treatment protocols through the system when necessary.”
Q – What type of data does the ‘Smart Clinic’ offer?
“This tool offers precise data on which applicators are being used including duration and energy levels used. It enables you as a clinic owner to determine whether your devices are being properly utilized by the practitioners. Additionally, it displays highly important information such as which treatment or body areas are most popular. This information will help you improve your marketing as well as prioritize certain offers for customers.”
Q – What other possibilities does it open up?
“Aside from the live data the ‘Smart Clinic’ has a service call and maintenance feature. Sending e-mail requesting technical service will be a thing of the past. The system features built-in maintenance alerts and basic troubleshooting. Moreover, it has an option for online service call submission in a few clicks.
From the business side of things, ‘Smart Clinic’ opens up revenue sharing possibilities. I, personally, am excited about the revenue sharing possibility. The flexibility of the system can really facilitate various types of business models.”
Q – What Alma devices will the system be featured on?
“We are launching the service along with the new Soprano Titanium laser hair removal device. The Soprano platforms family is one of Alma’s best-selling and reliable brands. We wanted to launch the ‘Smart Clinic’ where it will have the most impact first. The laser hair removal market is highly competitive. This new service is a super-feature rising above competitors’ solutions. throughout the coming years we will implement the ‘Smart Clinic’ across all our leading platforms.”